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SonoCiné vs. GE ABUS Invenia

Advantages of SonoCiné vs. GE ABUS in Finding Invasive Cancers

GE ABUS Invenia SonoCiné
System Image
Price$250,000 - $300,000 USD – Ref Forbes.com
BREAST COVERAGE AREAThe large probe misses:
• Axilla where the lymph nodes are
• Tail of the breast
• Top of the breast just beneath the collarbone
• Lower part of the breast near the breast bone
The small probe reaches all areas – no breast tissue remains unseen.
NIPPLE COVERAGEGE/Siemens doesn’t see behind the nipple and areola.SonoCiné uses a proprietary nipple pad to see behind the nipple and areola.
CANCER SIZE RELATIVE TO IMAGE SIZEDue to its large probe, cancers appear on the GE/Siemens image 1/3 the size in area compared with SonoCiné, and are easily missed.Due to its small probe, Cancers appear 3x larger on SonoCiné images, making 3.5mm cancers always easily visible.
AVERAGE DIAMETER OF CANCERS FOUNDCancers found by GE/Siemens’ large probe average 2x the size of SonoCiné’s average find.Cancers found by Sonocine’s small probe are 1/2 the size of GE/Siemens’ average find (49 sq mm v 121 sq mm)
AVERAGE VOLUME OF CANCERS FOUNDCancers found by GE/Siemens are about 3.8x the volume of those found by SonoCiné.Cancers found by SonoCiné average nearly 1/4 the volume of those found by GE/Siemens.
• Not easily transferred for review
• Prevent off-site reading
• Very difficult to transfer to another facility, even with the same GE/Siemens machine
• Slow down the PACS (the imaging archiving and retrieval system)
SonoCiné’s small files:
• Recordable to a CD or stick
• Easily reviewed by other physicians at a distance
• Allow off-site reading for radiologists, FPs, OBGYNs and breast surgeons.
COSTThe GE/Siemens is considerably more expensive than the SonoCiné.The SonoCiné is much less expensive than the GE/Siemens.
IMAGE APPEARANCEGE/Siemens has its own built in ultrasound and can’t be used with any other ultrasound machine.SonoCiné configures with any ultrasound machine of your choice or with which you are familiar.
EXAMINING ROOMBecause it’s a dedicated system, the GE/Siemens does not perform targeted diagnostic evaluations. Confirmatory handheld ultrasound exams must be done elsewhere, inconveniencing patients and physicians.The SonoCiné examining room can be used for confirmatory or other types of ultrasound examinations.
ADDITIONAL TRAINING REQUIREDThe GE/Siemens machine produces nonstandard size ultrasound images, and requires training and experience to interpret them well.SonoCiné uses the radiologists’ standard ultrasound machine and format, and requires no additional training.
IDEAL FIELD OF VIEW (FOV)With GE/Siemens’ 15cm probe only 30% of the image is projected onto the macula, where abnormal motion is detected. This is the hallmark of screening ultrasound in breast cancer detection.With SonoCiné’s 5cm probe, 100% of the moving images are visualized by the macula, our most acute and discriminating area of vision. This increases the likelihood of detecting cancer.

A note about 3D: Screening is used to find unexpected abnormalities. Diagnosis is used to evaluate abnormalities that have already been found. Screening answers the question: Where is a possible abnormality in the breast? Diagnosis answers the question: What is the abnormality that has been found? 3-D is not relevant in screening, and in fact actually increases reading time without increasing screening accuracy. However, for a diagnostic callback from a SonoCiné, it is appropriate to use the 3-D function of any ultrasound machine.